SEO is 100% a scam!!! Sometimes. In an ever changing world people have become both more educated and easier to scam because of the flood of information available, and unscrupulous companies absolutely use this vulnerability to exploit business owners. These companies love throwing around terms like “SEO” “geofencing” and “AI powered”. But what is this “secret sauce” you’re paying for? Usually nothing more than a white labeled listing tool and something that shows you what Google Search Console will provide you for free.
In later articles we can explore in more detail what still works but in general casual blogging, and a few changed title tags are not enough to make a difference in the modern highly competitive landscape. Remember in any given search only one listing actually is in the top slot and everyone is competing for it, so it takes a lot to have that spot. Additionally almost no company gets to consistently hold it and Google’s search algorithm is incredibly complex, so any company that promises to get you to spot #1 for your industry in a few months is almost certainly scamming you.
Good SEO that will have a meaningful impact on your business in the long run takes a lot of work, a lot of time, and a lot of money. So just remember if it seems too good to be true, it is.